Sunday, October 16, 2011

Paparazzi Jewelry Party

Here are a few pictures of the party and our food table set up!

If anyone is interested there will be another party on November 5th! Contact me for details!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Banner Part 2

This is really just a better picture of the banner plus some new cupcake stands.

Scrappy Party Banner!

I'm planning a jewelry party and the colors are black and pink.  I found this sweet banner on Pintrest and wanted to copy it but in black and pink.  So here is a tutorial on how to make it!

1.) Gather all your stuff. I used went to JoAnn's for fabric and they had 'fat quarters' on sale for .99 so I got like 10 of them. I also decided to add in some ribbon, naturally they too are black and pink. Lastly you need some yarn; I got black yarn so it would match.

 2.) Because I'm cool like that Because I'm super impatient, instead of cutting each fat quarter in half, I just made a snip and ripped them in half.  This keeps the rip straight since it rips along the grain of the fabric. So I ripped all the fat quarters in half. Some of them weren't quite equal but that's ok for this project.
 3.) After ripping them in half, I made a bunch of 1 inch wide strips.
 4.) Repeat process with all the fabric until you have a mass of 1 inch wide strips that look like this!
 5.) Then I cut my spools of ribbon up into strips about the same length as the strips of fabric.
 6.) Measure out your yarn for the length that you need; remember to leave enough yarn at either end for you to tie the banner off if needed. Then start laying out your strips like this:
 7.) Then add a blob of hot glue. Or if you want to be really legit, you could sew it.
 8.) Repeat this process until you run out of strips. You don't necessarily have to have a pattern I'm just a little OCD so I like to have a pattern. I did two rows, adding more strips on top of the first row to give the banner more volume.
 9.)  Then do the same for the ribbon if you want it.
 10.)  End result, a pretty banner! This isn't the best picture since a certain little girl kept messing up the strips so they didn't lay flat.
This banner is going in front of the food table at my jewelry party and I'm so excited!  Also if you would like to order any of the jewelry you can visit this LINK to browse through the inventory. It's all $5 or under and super cute!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Coming Soon!

New posts coming soon I promise! I'm helping to plan an AWESOME jewelry party for a friend and I've got some super cute ideas rattling around in my brain! Pictures and tutorials will come most likely this week and a full picture break down of how the party was set up will come after the party on October 14th!

If you would like more information on the jewelry please  visit Rachel's page on facebook, here is the LINK! I highly recommend this jewelry! They are very stylish and all $5 or UNDER! Awesome deal! Check it out!